Guide to PAS9980:2022

Guide to PAS 9980:2022

PAS 9980:2022 is a code of practice that provides a method for appraising the likely fire performance of external walls in existing multi-storey, multi-occupied residential buildings. It also enables assessment of the building's use, occupancy and fire safety arrangements. The new PAS replaces some parts of the UK government's 2020 Consolidated Advice Note (CAN) on building safety.

Will PAS 9980 Replace the EWS1 Form?

PAS 9980 is not intended as an alternative to the EWS1 form which is for valuation purposes and is administered by RICS. If you own or are selling a property with cladding, it is advisable to get an EWS1 certificate from mortgage lenders.

Is PAS 9980 Mandatory?

It is not mandatory to use the methodology set out within PAS 9980, but under Section 3 of the Fire Safety Act, if a contravention is established then failure to comply with applicable risk-based guidance (which could refer to PAS 9980) can be used as evidence that combustible materials were used for cladding or external wall insulation.

In Summary

PAS 9980:2022 is a code of practice designed to assess the fire performance of external walls in existing multi-storey, multi-occupied residential buildings. It takes into consideration the use, occupancy and fire safety arrangements of the building when making an assessment. Although PAS 9980 is not intended as an alternative to the EWS1 form for valuation purposes, it can be used as evidence if a contravention under Section 3 of the Fire Safety Act is established.


Before conducting a Fire Risk Appraisal of External Wall construction (FRAEW) for an existing multi-storey, multi-occupied residential building, refer to the following checklist:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the methodology and requirements set out within PAS 9980:2022.
  2. Ensure that you have a comprehensive understanding of the use, occupancy and fire safety arrangements of the building.
  3. Collect evidence such as photographs and verbal information from key personnel within the building to aid in your appraisal.
  4. Generate a report that outlines your findings and any potential risks found during your appraisal.
  5. Review all relevant documents associated with the building's fire safety arrangements such as technical drawings, fire risk assessments and evacuation plans.
  6. Take into account any changes since commissioning or occupancy that may have changed the external wall construction or occupancy of the premises since it was built or refurbished in order to identify any potential changes in risk profile over time.
  7. Ensure that you have checked for combustible materials used on external walls such as cladding or external wall insulation when evaluating risk factors associated with fire safety performance for both existing and future use scenarios at the premises (where possible).